Crysis 2 PS3 Demo Impressions
Most everyone who frequents gaming news websites have surely heard the fuss and rampant speculation about the Crysis 2 demo over PlayStation Network that was taken offline seemingly no sooner than it arrived. The backlash over the removal of the demo, and even the actual demo itself is reaching a boiling point. Some gamers enjoyed the demo while it lasted. Other were furious at Crytek for not delivering on promises of producing a console graphical benchmark. The rest are wondering what the fuss is about, because, well, they couldn't connect to a game. Forums around the internet became bombarded with praise and hate (mostly hate), which soon led to Crytek's decision to pull down the servers altogether. In Crytek's official statement, they simply state that they want to make sure everything is in tip-top shape come launch. Other conspiracy theorist suggest that they removed it as a fail safe, suggesting that the demo was so bad that it would hurt sales. I guess I am a conspiracy theorist, because I happen to believe the latter. Nonetheless, I was fortunate enough to not encounter many of the connection errors, and was able to rack up around 500 kills and max out my level before the short lived demo came to an end. Here is what I have to say about it
Puppet War FPS for the iPhone/iPod Touch
I haven’t played it yet … this is just my reaction to the absolutely absurd idea and trailer. What the hell? This is right up my alley … I love just WEIRD concepts like this. Apparently you’re a janitor working at this kid’s show and the puppets decide to just go nuts and go against humanity. So far from the trailer and the screenshots the graphics are surprisingly good and detailed, though I’m not sure about the gameplay. First person shooters on the iPod Touch and whatnot are kind of hit or miss.
I may end up getting this ridiculous looking game very very soon. It’s $1.99 and can be found right here.
Rise of the Triad for the iPhone/iPod Touch makes me very happy.
I have stated before that the old first person shooter called Rise of the Triad is one of my favorite first person shooters. It runs off of an enhanced version of the engine Wolfenstein 3D used, and unfortunately this game suffered from being released just at the WRONG time back in the day. And therefore, DooM ultimately killed it.
But regardless, the full version of this game is coming to the iPhone and iPod Touch which means I can bask in the fast paced pixelly awesomeness of this shooter whenever the hell I want.
At least, later this year anyway. It's set to release in "early 2010" and includes everything the original game has.
All I've gotta say is hell yeah. And here's a gameplay video.
via TouchArcade
Gears of War 2 Trying to Stay Relevant
Epic announced this week that with the anniversary of Gears of War 2 they were going to have triple XP for all play lists for a week. Additionally, they added a tactical mode where bullets do damage but gives you less ammo in your gun. There have been double XP weekends in the past, but this full week of triple XP is completely unprecedented.
With the release of what will be the best selling and most played game of the year, Modern Warfare 2, the timing seems a little suspect. There was a time when Gears of War 2 was the most played game on Xbox Live, but it has slipped down to the sixth most played game on Major Nelson's weekly report. It looks like triple XP is Epics desperate attempt to keep from falling off the list completely when Modern Warfare 2 releases on Tuesday. We'll have to wait and see if it works, but with five title updates it might be to late. Gears of War 2's fan base is getting a little tired and frustrated with their constant changes.
My two cents about the Left 4 Dead 2 demo.
I don’t have the money to pre-order the game like a lot of you people do, so I had to wait. But damn was it worth it.
You mean there are actually people who haven’t played Rise of the Triad?
Man, I remember playing the hell out of the shareware version of this game when it came out in 1995, and I was playing it on a system that could only just barely run it. At the time, seeing those digitized actors on the screen, and all the gibs. It was just glorious with some super fun multiplayer deathmatch with support for up to 11 people. And I got to thinking about it the other day, and I realized I’d never played the full version of the game. Then behold, Good Old Games had the game for 6 bucks. And along with that it came with a scanned version of the original manual, the in game soundtrack which is happily sitting on my iPod right now and extra levels. While it’s kind of dodgy in DOSBox on my netbook (I haven’t tried it on my more powerful desktop yet) it still ran more than well enough to play and enjoy. Then I got to thinking, the source code for the game was released some years back. Someone had to have ported it to Windows. And sure enough, there’s WinROTT.
Unreal Tournament has aged beautifully.
This sucker has still got it. I've been playing this game on and off ever since it came out, and it still holds up. Tons of game types, roughly 10 years worth of user made maps and tons of other stuff. The only reason I can think of why you don't have this game is that you're not used to the insanely fast paced nature of this. It has everything you could ever want, is dirt cheap, and has only gotten better with age. And people STILL play this today. I just got done with an online game where some insanely good players wiped the floor with me.
Xbox Live Arcade Review - Wolfenstein 3D
You see that kickass trailer? Are you like me and think it’s the coolest trailer ever? Do you still wanna shell out 5 bucks on Wolfenstein 3D?
T2 : The Arcade Game
This game surprisingly enough holds one of my fondest arcade memory. I used to pump quarter after quarter into this sucker. I loved it, and I still play it occasionally at the very small and pathetic arcade that's near me. Although with that machine it usually works out like this : I stick my tokens in, start playing, and 5 minutes later I'm dead because this game is BALLS hard.
Zero Tolerance - A Sega Genesis FPS?
All screenshots courtesy of Neoseeker
Yeah, a first person shooter on the Genesis is the last thing anyone would expect, or want to be perfectly honest. For the era, even the venerable Super Nintendo had problems with it (DooM is a perfect example, except it's got some really kick ass music). The 32X was much better suited for an FPS. But that's another thing all together. I'm talking about Zero Tolerance here. And nevermind that Duke Nukem 3D was ever released for the Genesis. Terrible ... just terrible.