Wasted Seconds Wasting your precious time since 2009.


Hey there, you want a Anne Hathaway gallery?

Well, I've got one for you. And if she keeps up the stunning photoshoots and movies, there will definitely be more. Huge props to Egotastic! for some of the pictures.

Anne Hathaway

Disney princess to REAL actor. A lot of people gave her crap because she showed up in topless scenes after the Disney movies. Her response? "I'm an actor. I act." ... maybe not word for word, but that pretty much sums up what she said. Any way you put it, this woman is stunning.

156 Photos

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Razer Switchblade doesn’t look very promising to me.

I’ll let you draw your own conclusions. Me personally, everything in this damn video is computer rendered except for the humans … the gameplay footage is plastered on as a result. And think about the Intel Atom processor … it’s not totally useless. I have two netbooks I absolutely love. But the little Atom isn’t a gaming processor. I honestly don’t know much about this thing, but one thing I’m going to predict, if this thing gets released it’ll more than likely tank.

It does LOOK neat though, but I think I’ll hold off until I see some real world performance results.

Ripping off of Flare from the forums again here. hehe

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Voxatron - Spiffy looking arena style shooter.

I haven’t seen a game quite like this in a while. The destruction in the video looks awesome and I can’t wait to play me some of this. Here’s from the site :


Voxatron is an arena shooter that takes place in a world made of voxels (little cubes, kind of). Everything in the game is displayed in a virtual 128x128x64 voxel display, including the menus and player inventory. If you look closely, you can sometimes see the inventory (score/life/ammo) casting a shadow on some of the objects on the ground.

I've been working on voxel rendering and modeling tools for a long time now, with the ultimate goal of making a large explorey adventure game. About half a year ago it fused with work I was doing on arena shooters for Conflux, and this is the result.

It's quite a simple game at heart -- mostly just Robotron set in a 3d destructible world with goofy creatures. I'm unsure how major the implications of destructibility will be for gameplay, but it sure is fun to blast away pieces of wall. I've also added an experimental wall-building pickup you can use to construct barriers to hide from scary monsters.

The game takes place in a small set of arenas. Some of them feature rooms with set action pieces, somewhere between Knightlore and Smash TV. This is some of the original adventure based design sneaking back in, and an excuse to create thematic environments.

- Custom software rendering with soft shadows.
- Built-in sound and music synthesizer (also used to make the trailer music).
- Playback & post game recording.

Voxatron will be ready later this year, but I'll create a single-arena preview version too.

Hit the jump for a spiffy video. Thanks to Flare over on the GameGavel forums. One of these days I shall have the patience to do the type of games I want to do. Text based versions of shit I don’t play in the first place. That’s the master plan.

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Christina Applegate, Kirsten Dunst and a video

Christina-Applegate-30I decided to actually do something with the gallery, something I haven’t done damn near since I started the site. I decided to add some new stuff to it. I’ve been watching a hell of a lot of Married with Children lately, so Christina Applegate was a given. I have to give that woman props because it takes a hell of a lot of intelligence to play a character THAT stupid.

So, other than the obvious, there was my reason for adding her to this site.

Kirsten-Dunst-73The other was a little bit of a harder choice. Then I remembered this movie that I watched with my girlfriend of the time (thankfully, no more) Crazy/Beautiful and later on the Spider-Man movies where the red hair only accented everything (hey, I’m a sucker for a redhead) and thought “There’s the other woman I’ll add to this.” so, I added Kirsten Dunst. Especially since she recently had a very small scene in a movie recently, which I THINK got cut from it for whatever reason, where she actually shows what she’s got (to my knowledge anyway) for once. So yeah, hit the jump. The video isn’t at all safe for work, but the galleries are okay.

Download the full out 720p video right here in MP4 format (it's about 25 seconds long) and hit up the galleries after the jump. If you want to see the rest of the galleries, just click here. I'll add the new additions one of these days.

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Jennifer Love Hewitt showing off her best assets almost.

jennifer-love-hewitt-cowgirl-shoot-01This woman seems to age like a fine wine. Granted, I’ve never seen whatever show it was she was on in the 90’s, though I did see her little spot in Boy Meets World when I was younger. Yes, I used to watch TV all the time. Anyone remember that TGIF crap that was on … oh what was it … ABC? And naturally the Saturday Morning Cartoons back when they actually had shows that were worth watching.

But this isn’t about that. A lot of people say JLH reached her prime years ago. I beg to differ with this photo shoot from a magazine I can’t be bothered to remember the name of.

Everyone can thank Egotastic! for these. If you didn’t notice, I hit up that site a lot. But they’re a bit less picky than I am. I’m finally going to start doing shit on this site again, I’ll get to the gaming stuff later once I actually play them thanks to Steam and they’re god damn holiday sales.

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A new episode of The Wasted Seconds podcast is up.

Episode 7 - “Fran Fine was fine” … where I’m joined by Critical Failure of Tiger Claw Radio and TV, Triverse from Scenic 7 PR and Out of Print Archive and at the very end, Retrokaiser, which we’ll get more into on the next episode that’ll probably be up in the next week or two. This one is a little less about gaming because it was literally a spur of the moment recording after a catastrophic failure with my normal co-host Ian. And this is also the episode where I’m going to change the format of the show away from it being mainly gaming focused. I think I’m going to embrace the randomness, especially since the majority of modern games annoy the shit out of me.

But regardless, click right here to skip over to the podcast site where you can listen to it. If you want to subscribe on iTunes, click here and don’t forget to rate the show because none of you fuckers have done that yet. I may not have iTunes installed on my machine, but I can still tell. ;)

And if you’ve got any questions for any of us, you can shoot an email over to wastedsecondspodcast@gmail.com whether it be an email or a voice message or whatever. Just try to keep the voice recordings 5 minutes or less. If it’s good, I’ll definitely use it on the show.

One of these days I’ll migrate the podcast itself over to THIS main site, but I’m entirely too lazy to go through the hassle right now.

Enjoy! And bear in mind, this show is HIGHLY explicit, don’t go whining and bitching at me if your kids find it, or if I offend anyone.

And for those of you who know what this is ... there's some candid "Phoenix" talk ...

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Olivia Wilde in Details magazine.

Yeah, the only thing I’ve ever seen her in is the television show House, and damn she was one hell of addition to the show. Not only is she downright gorgeous, but is a competent actor on top of it all. On top of it all, she does photoshoots like this, and that makes it all that much better. Oh, and I’ve heard somewhere that she’s in Tron : Legacy. Just sayin’ … because that’s important stuff to know. Now I have one more good reason to watch that movie eventually. But I’m still going to wait for it to come out for a home release … which will probably be in 3 or 4 months.

Hit the jump, because while there’s unfortunately no nudity, the pictures are somewhat not safe for the work environment … which I’m starting to wonder if that even matters on this particular site anymore to be perfectly honest. Credit goes to Egotastic! ... which is where I find a lot of this stuff.

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My daughter the game reviewer.

I have a strange habit with video game collecting. Some people collect Atari 2600, or NES, Genesis, whatever system you can think of they collect for it. I don't waste my time with that shit because for a console system I only buy what I plan on playing. I DO however kind of collect those stupid plug and play games. You know the kind. You just shove some batteries in it, hook it to the TV and you're good to go. Now there are some damned good ones out there like ANY of the Sega Genesis based ones, Mortal Kombat, the Namco ones, and of course the venerable Atari Flashback 2. Which it's debatable as to whether or not that is actually a plug and play system since it's literally a reproduction Atari 2600 sans the cartridge slot (which, anyone with some skill with the soldering iron can put one on).

I recently got what you see to the left. Visually ... that's just wrong. But aside from that, NONE of the games on it are any good. But I think that of most of the plug and play games like this. The graphics are halfway decent, but that's about where it ends.

Every time I get one of these, my daughter wants to play it. She's 9, and I've deliberately started her off on a good regiment of Sega Genesis games and old arcade games, along with some select Xbox 360 games that are acceptable for her age. She wanted to play Mortal Kombat however, and that's where I drew the line. Instead I just popped in the Sega Genesis version and didn't bother to put in the blood code. But that's neither here nor there. Now ... she absolutely loves the Spider-Man movies, so when she saw this she automatically wanted to play it. Which is fine by me, hell, this thing was made with kids her age in mind.

She did what I typically do with these, started running through the different little games it has on it. After about 10 minutes of fighting with  these "games" (well, okay, to it's defense there is a little first person dungeon crawler style game on it that I think is halfway decent) I hear her call from the other room. Here is how the conversation went :

Angela : "Daddy!"
Me : "Yeah baby?"
Angela : "This Spider-Man game sucks."
Me : "I tried to warn ya!"
Angela : "Can I play the Xbox?"
Me : "Sure thing baby-girl!"

So yeah, she's already started reviewing these shit games like her daddy. I couldn't be more proud. Now all she has to do is  turn 26 so she will actually be allowed to listen to my podcast.

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I was on a podcast, still haven’t gotten mine out there though.

Yeah yeah, I know I haven’t done a Wasted Seconds podcast in a while. It’s not dead, I just don’t like the idea of doing a podcast by myself and it’s hard to find people to do the show WITH where time schedules don’t conflict. I was about to record the new episode yesterday, but my daughter showed up, and she’s a higher priority than the internets.

BUT Monday morning I joined Critical Failure on his podcast over at Tiger Claw Radio “Episode 49 – Dhalamar”

Naturally because I was on it there’s an explicit tag … even though I don’t think the word “shit” is a naughty word. :) But yeah, go and check that out. And I’ll get the new episode of the Wasted Seconds podcast out there one of these days. If you wanna listen to the previous episodes, head on over to the site that specifically dedicated to the show. Which I may eventually move here once I get the time. You can also subscribe to both mine and Critical Failure’s on iTunes and whatnot.

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Scarlett Johansson. FINALLY.

There aren’t enough photo shoots like this. There aren’t. To take a woman’s natural beauty and amplify it by a thousand times is very rare in this writer’s opinion. But this has nailed it. There’s nothing “not safe for work” about this because there doesn’t need to be. Look at the pictures and be engrossed by (damn near) the best pictures of this woman you’ll see. Period. Simply stunning. Thank you Popoholic.

 scarlett-johansson-mango-winter-02 scarlett-johansson-mango-winter-03 scarlett-johansson-mango-winter-04 scarlett-johansson-mango-winter-05 scarlett-johansson-mango-winter-06 scarlett-johansson-mango-winter-07 scarlett-johansson-mango-winter-01

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