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Get your Sol Survivor fix on the PC through Steam.

header Soul Surviror made a splash on Xbox Live Indie Games a little bit back, bringing us a tower defense game with some neat twists to the formula and, in my opinion, beating out the XBLA release Defense Grid  by a large margin. And what added to that intense level of polish was the fact that it didn’t skimp on features like a lot of indie games on Microsoft’s service did having full Xbox Live multiplayer support. And now it’s out for the PC through Steam for $9.99.

Jump in to intense turret defense action with Sol Survivor! Build turrets to defend your colony and the innocent colonists within. Smash enemies with volleys of actively-controlled orbital support. Play with friends in co-operative and competitive multiplayer matches or test your mettle against our new Survival mode!

  • Support abilities, allowing more direct influence in the battle.
  • Select from one of 10 load-outs to fit your play style.
  • Up to 8 player multiplayer with 4 different modes, featuring both competitive and co-operative play.
  • Immersive control and camera design, giving a better view of the battle.
  • Survival mode, testing even the most well constructed defenses.
  • In-game encyclopedia, providing deep statistics and strategies.
  • Achievements, Leaderboards and Steam Cloud support.

And judging from that last bullet point, it didn’t skimp all that much on features for the PC release either. Having Steam Cloud support is beyond awesome and something that every game on the service should have that can support it. And, in this humble blogger’s opinion, it’s all set up to kick Defense Grid’s ass on the PC front. Honestly, where a game like this belongs.

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Left 4 Dead 2 DLC The Passing

I believe it’s set to come out Spring of 2010, and it will feature the original 4 survivors we all know and love along with the new ones. So that means … Rochelle AND Zoey in the same game. And that’s too much awesome to pass up. There isn’t any word on pricing yet, but if it’s anything like the last Left 4 Dead campaign that hit the consoles, it’ll probably cost 7 bucks. Again. And be free on the PC. Blame Microsoft for that one.

Granted, I didn’t care. I snagged Crash Course on the PC and happily shelled out my Microsoft Space Bucks for it on the 360 just because it’s great stuff.

But going back to “The Passing” it’ll be a whole new campaign bringing back the old survivors, as well as new arenas for Survival, Versus and Scavange modes. New firearms, new melee weapons. A new “uncommon” zombie (uncommon zombies … a good example is that damn clown). As well as a new co-operative challenge mode. And even if they charge for it on both platforms, I’ll still get it.

So this isn’t going to be a light one. And I can’t wait for it. Left 4 Dead 2 for the win. Down with Modern Warfare 2.

RochelleWeaponsRender Zoey___Left_4_Dead_by_loko3d

Like I said. Can’t wait.

via GayGamer


A cheap Steam package you owe it to yourself to get.


Yeah, that’s right. These games are actually pretty damn good. And will run on just about anything. They all pretty much run off of the same engine, just getting a bit more advanced with each new release. They all have some RPG elements as well where you upgrade your stats and all that stuff. I’m going to eventually do a full review of at LEAST one of them because for the price, they’re pretty damn good. It costs 14.99 for the complete package, or they run 4.99 apiece.

And Zombie Shooter 2 just came out recently on Steam, and it’s 10 bucks. Give the demo a try, you may be surprised. They all play a little bit like games such as Left 4 Dead or Gauntlet. In the Zombie Shooter games, near as I can tell it’s mostly the slower moving zombies with a few faster ones thrown into the mix. But yeah, I got the complete thing a while back and I don’t regret it at all.


Demo Impression of RIP 3


Lately I’ve been downloading demos on Steam of what I think will run on a netbook (and no, I don’t want to hear about running such a crappy computer. I have a perfectly serviceable desktop). One of them was Torchlight. And while it’s an excellent game, the performance on my little Acer Aspire One … even in Netbook Mode was pretty pathetic. It’s not going to keep me from buying it though.

But this isn’t about Torchlight. This is about the demo for RIP 3. The entire trilogy is available on Steam for $4.99, but when you go to download the demo, they give you the demo for the newest game. Which makes sense, especially since the trilogy is so cheap.


Demo Impression for Torchlight

I initially completely ignored this game because, well, I’m on a netbook most of the time. And these things are notorious for not being very game friendly. That and I’m kind of a purist. I still play the original Diablo to this day (on rare occasions). And I even go so far as to fire up Rogue from time to time, mainly because I love me some dungeon crawlers. Then I read somewhere that there’s a netbook mode for the game, so I hopped on Steam and grabbed the demo.


PopCap and Square Enix odd mix.

I like me some Bejeweled, don’t get me wrong. Even though Puzzle Quest was insanely overhyped and … quite honestly wasn’t all THAT good. But here we are with Gyromancer. Made by an odd mix of PopCap Games and Square Enix.

But what’s even more odd about it is that it’s only coming out on the PC via Steam and Xbox Live Arcade. Sorry PS3 … better luck next time. But it’ll be interesting to give this a try when it comes out.


The Earthworm Jim Collection released on Steam, but skip it.


You can now snag Earthworm Jim 1, 2 and the terrible 3D game off of Steam for $19.99. Which doesn't sound like a bad deal at all for such great games (well, the first two anyway).

Or, you can head over to Good Old Games, snag Earthworm Jim 1 & 2 with the in game soundtracks for BOTH, the manual, wallpapers, avatars, a guide and more for $5.99.

And if you really want Earthworm Jim 3D, that's there too for $5.99 and again, comes with the in game soundtrack, the manual, wallpapers etc.

I think the choice is obvious.

  • $11.98 on Good Old Games for the first two games because, let's face it. Earthworm Jim 3D sucked. And they come with tons of extra stuff. Or 17.97 for all three games and still have all that extra stuff.
  • $19.99 on Steam for all three games and that's it.

Don't get me wrong, I love Steam. But if a better deal can be had elsewhere with more stuff, I'll go that route.


My two cents about the Left 4 Dead 2 demo.


I don’t have the money to pre-order the game like a lot of you people do, so I had to wait. But damn was it worth it.