I was on a podcast, still haven’t gotten mine out there though.
Yeah yeah, I know I haven’t done a Wasted Seconds podcast in a while. It’s not dead, I just don’t like the idea of doing a podcast by myself and it’s hard to find people to do the show WITH where time schedules don’t conflict. I was about to record the new episode yesterday, but my daughter showed up, and she’s a higher priority than the internets.
BUT Monday morning I joined Critical Failure on his podcast over at Tiger Claw Radio “Episode 49 – Dhalamar”
Naturally because I was on it there’s an explicit tag … even though I don’t think the word “shit” is a naughty word. :) But yeah, go and check that out. And I’ll get the new episode of the Wasted Seconds podcast out there one of these days. If you wanna listen to the previous episodes, head on over to the site that specifically dedicated to the show. Which I may eventually move here once I get the time. You can also subscribe to both mine and Critical Failure’s on iTunes and whatnot.
Hey guys, we’re on Facebook too.
You know what to do. Hopefully. :) You can get the up to the minute updates there, get ahold of us for feedback on either the site or the podcast, etc etc. I promise, we don't bite. Unless you happen to be asian, around 5 feet tall, around 100 to 110lbs and at least 24 years of age. ... Okay ... that's just me. but still. If not you can also find us on Twitter. And, as always, we also have a podcast over at a separate site that you can find right here.
Did you know there’s also a podcast?
I do most of the stuff regarding telling people about stories and whatnot for the site through twitter. And more recently a Facebook page (just search for Wasted Seconds on Facebook) so for those of you who are either new or don’t follow that stuff now there is a podcast for the site which covers … well … games. Just me a couple of friends with possibly the occasional brave guest host or something and we just sit and talk about games. We just got done releasing the PROPER episode 1 named “We finally did it” where we talk about Split/Second, Modnation Racers, Red Dead Redemption (of which there will be a separate Spoilercast coming up in a couple of days purely for that game), video game tits, a little history of gaming according to yours truly and a lot more crammed into almost 2 hours worth of show.
There are also episodes 0 and 0.5 … episode 0 is just an introduction episode where everyong kinda says “Hi!!!” for an hour and a half. And episode 0.5 is all about what Josh found interesting about E3 since I don’t follow it … with the exception of Killzone 3. :D
You can find it right here at http://podcast.wastedseconds.com. And we’re also on iTunes, and you can subscribe right here. We’ve technically got three episodes in the bag, though we’re only on episode 1. Go and check it out and rate, comment, all that good stuff.
But yeah, it’s just me, Josh (Rapture) and Justin (xxmilkman69xx) shooting the shit about video games and other stuff that happens to catch out interest. Pretty much like the site. Except I’m a bit more free to talk about the women than they are because they’re both spoken for and I’m not. Technically.
Anyway, listen away. You can email the show at wastedsecondspodcast@gmail.com or leave a voicemail number at (618) 984-5244. And, while this site doesn’t have any forums I’ve decided to kinda adpot the forums over at http://www.GameGavel.com, home of … well … Game Gavel which is an alternative to eBay for buying and selling video game stuff and the awesome Retrogaming Roundup podcast. The monthly 5 and a half hour opera of retro/classic gaming goodness that even modern gamers should listen to.
Geek Gamer Radio Episode 10 – 10 for 2010
We get to talking about what we’re looking forward to for 2010 (yeah, you get to hear my sarcastic ass-ish voice again on there) of which my list is fairly small. :) Modern Warfare 2, Left 4 Dead, a contest that is going on that is up on February 28th, a retard killing a kid over a Tony Hawk video game and a lot more. Also, GGR is now part of the TechPodcasts network of … well … podcasts. And I think it’s one of the few gaming related shows on there, so go and check that out as well because there’s a ton of different shows on there going over a wide range of different tech related topics. But if you wanna listen to GGR, just head over to the site and subscribe using whatever MP3 listening device you use, and you can also go there to listen live at around 11pm Central Time … such is the reason for my sounding so out of it when I’m there from time to time. :)
Geek Gamer Radio Episode 8 – Fap Fap Fap
Avatar, Serious Sam 3, Pystar, Diablo 2, iPhone reception, DRM, Operation Chokehold and other stuff. Including me and the awkward half second of silence that ensues when I bash slow paced militiristic shooters. ;) Unfortunately I was on my cell phone, so I sound like I’m holed up in a bunker talking through a shitty CB radio, but hey.
And I haven’t had a hell of a lot of gaming time on my 360 OR the PC for that matter … been holed up in bed playing games on my iPod Touch. Such is the reason for the reviews of games on there. And I’m still not done, still gotta finish Modern Combat : Sandstorm. Stuck on mission 8. It’s like a shooting gallery from hell. Although I did pick up the original Xbox version of Call of Duty 3 for 5 bucks and have been playing that tonight. I actually like it better than CoD 4 … even though it’s all extremely scripted it just doesn’t feel as slow paced and RIDICULOUSLY boring. I still don’t see what people got out of the single player part of CoD 4 … it’s about as exciting as watching paint dry. I’m having to force myself to play it just to see what all the fuss was about.
But yeah, speaking of iPods, assuming you have one you can find GGR on iTunes by clicking right here. If you don’t you can hit up the site and use whatever podcatcher you use. And of course, if you leave a rating and a review on iTunes you’re registered to win free stuff … like Team Fortress 2.
Now I’m off to find me a USB headset that won’t cost me my fucking kidney.
Geek Gamer Radio Episode 7 – Screw that shit in!
Talking about the 2009 Video Game Awards (that I personally missed because I completely forgot they were even going on), a little on how Infuckery Ward is dangling a carrot and how every video game out nowadays seems to be a sequel to something. You can click the picture to go to the site, or just click right here if you have iTunes and subscribe to it there. The episodes usually go up the same night they’re done live. But it’s always best to hit up the live show to me for the pre and post show banter that usually goes on. :) Either way, give it a listen. And, assuming my internet connection doesn’t crap out on me like it did today you might hear your favorite anti social blogger on there next week. Who knows.
Geek Gamer Radio Episode 3 – Take Two
After a bit of a computer problem Sunday night, here’s episode three. You can either get it by clicking the image above, or just by searching for it on iTunes. Being that I was still asleep for most of the show due to being sick, I’m going to be listening to it in the car tonight. :)
Yeah, unfortunately, unless I’m near death I still have to work. It’s always fun.
Control F12 episode 90 – Final Edition
That’s right. It’s the final episode of the Control F12 podcast. You can either hit it up on iTunes, or listen to it right here. But … a new one will take it’s place called Geek Gamer Radio. Here’s a word about it from Chase, the main host :
Hey Everyone,
I would like to personally welcome you to our new netcast on the interwebs called “geek.gamer.radio”, the show all you geeks and gamers in the world. We know there are A LOT of people out there who like to chat and talk about their favorite gadget, or game they just beat, and they have a bazillion years of experience in doing it. They could be biased, getting paid off, or really not giving a clear thought of what they are talking about.
The purpose of this site and show is to bring to you, “the geek and/or gamer” an unbiased, fresh look at everything we love. We have no previous experience other then starting to game and love technology when we were little. Were just fellow peeps who have gotten tired of OTHER people tell us what is cool and not cool. Well, no more.
Personally, we do this for you….to share with us our love of geeking out and gaming it up….and that is why this is here.
If you are a former listener of Control F12 or Hoser Chat, we would like to personally welcome you as well. We know we had faithful listeners of those shows and I personally know that it is hard to make changes, but we have a lot more in store then what we had on the old shows.
Well, enough talking…..time to get started.
The first show will not be for a while as we are getting the site ready, adding new features, and making finishing touches. In the mean time, please leave us a comment below, tell US what you would like to see, hear and read.
Till the first show,
And to end the very last show, some people who were in the chat got ahold of tokens for the XBLA game Zombie Apocalypse and the Xbox Live Indie Games IncaBlocks, Halfbrick Rocket Racing, Halfbrick Blastoff, Halfbrick Echoes and Echoes+ thanks to yours truly. Hit the jump for something that may interest you.
Control F12 episode 89 - Giggles
Go get it here, apparently they had someone a little different this week in that they finally had a female voice on the show. :P Alternatively, you can also get it from the iTunes Music Store (which is what I'm doing right now to listen to in the car tonight).
And they're also running a contest where you can pick up Time Pilot and Frogger for the Xbox 360 along with a 48 hour Xbox Live Trial. You can get more info about that here.
So yeah. Go and listen.
Control F12 episode 88.5 - Oh f*ck.
Go there, listen, your favorite Wasted Seconds person is mentioned among other things like talking about Apple getting though on iPhone unlocking, the new Wolfenstein game and other stuff. And you can find it on iTunes. Just search for it. And they're giving away tokens for Frogger, Time Pilot 48 hours of Xbox Live Gold to boot by doing something as simple as leaving a friggin comment. So go there. Now.