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Left 4 Dead 2 DLC The Passing

I believe it’s set to come out Spring of 2010, and it will feature the original 4 survivors we all know and love along with the new ones. So that means … Rochelle AND Zoey in the same game. And that’s too much awesome to pass up. There isn’t any word on pricing yet, but if it’s anything like the last Left 4 Dead campaign that hit the consoles, it’ll probably cost 7 bucks. Again. And be free on the PC. Blame Microsoft for that one.

Granted, I didn’t care. I snagged Crash Course on the PC and happily shelled out my Microsoft Space Bucks for it on the 360 just because it’s great stuff.

But going back to “The Passing” it’ll be a whole new campaign bringing back the old survivors, as well as new arenas for Survival, Versus and Scavange modes. New firearms, new melee weapons. A new “uncommon” zombie (uncommon zombies … a good example is that damn clown). As well as a new co-operative challenge mode. And even if they charge for it on both platforms, I’ll still get it.

So this isn’t going to be a light one. And I can’t wait for it. Left 4 Dead 2 for the win. Down with Modern Warfare 2.

RochelleWeaponsRender Zoey___Left_4_Dead_by_loko3d

Like I said. Can’t wait.

via GayGamer


My two cents about the Left 4 Dead 2 demo.


I don’t have the money to pre-order the game like a lot of you people do, so I had to wait. But damn was it worth it.


PLEASE for the love of God, quit bitching about Left 4 Dead 2.

Every time I turn around, someone is bitching and moaning about the upcoming release of Left 4 Dead 2, which I am seriously looking forward to. Some people aren’t and there’s an entire damned petition begging Valve not to release the game so soon. Hit the link to read more about it. And I’ve read post after post about how Valve is going to drop support for the first one all together, and that the gamers are entitled to free updates and addons to the game from them. Now yes, they promised it, and there is more DLC coming, and they’re working on a way to let the people who bought the first game play with the the people on the second game, and vice versa (at least that’s what I read into it) … I’m assuming to help shut people up about it. And I have a feeling that a lot of the people whining about it are console gamers … hell, I’m one of them. Well, not the whiners, but I do play it on the 360 a lot. But Left 4 Dead is a BLAST whether it be a 360 or PC (sorry PS3 guys. Well … not really.).