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Halfbrick’s “Blast Off” is free right now for the iPhone/iPod Touch and probably the iPad.

mzl.ylyhnfle.320x480-75 Yeah, the title says it all. Just snag it right here. This is one of those games that I played the trial for on the Xbox 360 and, while it was good, it lent itself to more of a portable platform like the iPod for me.


Tweet Defense My current little iPod obsession.

1262705502media_screen1 Justin and I talked about this game a little bit on episode 2 of the podcast, so I thought I’d elaborate a little bit more on here … even though all I’ve really played is the endless mode. When Justin says something along the lines of that he hasn’t gotten as far as I have, it was because I sent him a screenshot of round 167 I think it was.

Tweet Defense, as you may have guessed, is a tower defense game. Zombies come from one end of the screen and you have to keep them from reaching the other end and eating what brains you have available. You place towers of various kinds along the path (thankfully, there IS a path and it’s not one of those ridiculous sandbox style tower defense games) that shoot at, slow down or help other towers along the way. While it does have the cartoony art style, there is blood so it probably isn’t the best thing for young kids.


Fast & Furious Adrenaline for the iPhone just got a fairly sizable update.

Fast-and-Furious-Adrenaline-iPhone Yeah yeah yeah, I’m well aware that this game doesn’t stand up to other racing games on the App Store like Need for Speed Shift, Real Racing, etc etc … but that doesn’t matter to me. Even though it doesn’t stand up quite as well, and it has it’s little hitches like the draw distance not being all that great. It’s still a pretty fun little game on the cheap at $1.99 and really shows how the games on this particular platform have evolved. It seems like they’re listening to the issues the players have with it and are working with them. Check out this list of stuff.


Cammy is coming to Street Fighter 4 on your favorite iDevice via a free update.

I was a little skeptical of this game when it was initially released, mostly due to the fact you have no choice but to use the touch screen controls. And when not done right, it’s devastating. But Capcom definitely pulled through with this release providing a great version of SF4 for on the go. Obviously, with only 8 characters and a large loss of buttons (both literally and physically) its’ not going to make the hard core people happy. And trust me, I’ve seen my fair share of people bitching about this release. Some people even bitching … even though they haven’t even PLAYED it. Go figure there.

But I ended up dropping the money on it the day it came out, and I’m thoroughly impressed by it. It controls wonderfully with great graphics and sound … and while it’s definitely not a true Street Fighter experience, what are you expecting from a handheld.

Anyway, eventually, Capcom is going to be providing a free update to this adding in Cammy. While I’m not a huge Cammy fan, it’s definitely kind of surprising to see them even bothering to update this thing. Let alone making it free.

Now if only they would add some other little things to it that I won’t mention because of all the people who whine about spoilers. I’ll just say that this game basically works as a playable advertisement for Super Street Fighter 4 and leave it at that. Regardless of that, it’s well worth the money and if you haven’t checked it out you really should.

Maybe they’ll add in online multiplayer sometime. Now that would definitely rock. Then I could get my ass handed to me on my iPod Touch and the Playstation 3 at the same time.

Here’s a nifty little video showing Cammy in action courtesy of TouchArcade.


What Microsoft should do to make me care about their music store.

Now this is just speaking for me in specific, although I'm sure a lot of people would agree with this.

I have a 30GB 5th generation iPod video. That's what I use to listen to all my MP3s and podcasts. I could really care less about the music store because I'm not a big fan of DRM. Yes, I am aware that they have DRM free downloads for a little bit more, but I don't really care.