Wasted Seconds Wasting your precious time since 2009.


A new episode of The Wasted Seconds podcast is up.

Episode 7 - “Fran Fine was fine” … where I’m joined by Critical Failure of Tiger Claw Radio and TV, Triverse from Scenic 7 PR and Out of Print Archive and at the very end, Retrokaiser, which we’ll get more into on the next episode that’ll probably be up in the next week or two. This one is a little less about gaming because it was literally a spur of the moment recording after a catastrophic failure with my normal co-host Ian. And this is also the episode where I’m going to change the format of the show away from it being mainly gaming focused. I think I’m going to embrace the randomness, especially since the majority of modern games annoy the shit out of me.

But regardless, click right here to skip over to the podcast site where you can listen to it. If you want to subscribe on iTunes, click here and don’t forget to rate the show because none of you fuckers have done that yet. I may not have iTunes installed on my machine, but I can still tell. ;)

And if you’ve got any questions for any of us, you can shoot an email over to wastedsecondspodcast@gmail.com whether it be an email or a voice message or whatever. Just try to keep the voice recordings 5 minutes or less. If it’s good, I’ll definitely use it on the show.

One of these days I’ll migrate the podcast itself over to THIS main site, but I’m entirely too lazy to go through the hassle right now.

Enjoy! And bear in mind, this show is HIGHLY explicit, don’t go whining and bitching at me if your kids find it, or if I offend anyone.

And for those of you who know what this is ... there's some candid "Phoenix" talk ...


XBLIG reviews may come slowly, if at all.


My system is deciding to be uncooperative. And the problem is strangely isolated to indie games. On some indie games, when I run them I get an error that says “Can’t access your storage device. Your console will now restart.” And after it restarts it spends a minute or two downloading that damned 128MB update. It’s done it to me a few times now, the most annoying with Little Racers earlier when I tried to run it to hop on that XBLIG Session. It’s not isolated to just THAT game … but it is isolated to the indie games for some reason. I know it’s not the games themselves because the problem is coming up with games I’ve played several times before. And the only other game I have any problems with is Zombie Apocalypse. I don’t get it, but I do know that I’m not going to have the money to have the damn thing replaced for a while. I just hope it decides to cooperate next week because that’s when the Sol Survivor XBLIG session is going on. :)

But I do hope to get this thing replaced as soon as possible. It’s quite irritating.

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Regarding the comments

I'm gonna add this to the "rules" sometime soon, but in the meantime ... occasionally I see comments come through the spam filter that are in another language and they get deleted. PLEASE make it English, I don't care about bad or broken it is, so long as I can read it, understand it and potentially give you an answer. :)


Gonna do some backend stuff

I'm gonna go through and fix some of the older posts, assign them to proper categories and whatnot to make things a little easier to find. Some things here were posted before there was an actual category for it. It'll take some time, and this site is still a bit of a mess. But it'll get there, eventually. Just bear in mind, it's only been here for about a month and a half in it's current form. I got this domain one night not knowing what I wanted to do with it. It's a little closer now though. Although I do still need a friggin' logo. :P I'll get on that someday. But I'm an hour late for work, so it'll have to wait.

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Wasted Seconds now has it’s own Twitter

Just follow @WastedSeconds for an easy way to get updates (if you're not an RSS kinda person) and to keep in touch with the site. A dedicated Facebook page coming eventually when I feel like messing with it.