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Zero Tolerance - A Sega Genesis FPS?

Zero Tolerance for the Sega Genesis
Yeah, a first person shooter on the Genesis is the last thing anyone would expect, or want to be perfectly honest. For the era, even the venerable Super Nintendo had problems with it (DooM is a perfect example, except it's got some really kick ass music). The 32X was much better suited for an FPS. But that's another thing all together. I'm talking about Zero Tolerance here.
When you first pop the cartridge in, you're treated to the opening music with a spinning Sega logo and the company credits and whatnot as per usual. Then the rather impressive title screen scrolls into view. You hit start and find out that you're the toughest people out there and you find out something has happened on a station somewhere and that a core breach will happen. You simply go in, gain control of it by killing ALL the aliens. Not much of a story to be honest. But first person shooters like this didn't need a good story back in 1994. All you pretty much do is wade through 40 levels of enemies with the occasional boss and kill everything that moves.
You start off by picking one of 6 characters, each with their own special ability that depends on what weapons you start off with and whatnot. Then the game starts. The first thing you notice is that your view only covers about half of the screen, with maps and various status messages at the bottom. The control uses the standard 3 button controller. You hold down the A button and press the directional pad Up, you jump. Down, you duck. Left and Left strafes left and right. Pretty simple stuff, although I've never seen much of a use for either. The B button shoots, and the C button cycles through your available weapons. And the start button pulls up a map of the current level. The game actually controls very good, although it's highly suggested to use a 6 button pad due to the directional pad being a lot better. And when you think about it, since when could you jump and duck in DooM at the time?
The weapon selection is good. You start off with your fists and a handgun. You head a little ways up the room and pick up a shotgun, which is kinda what I use throughout most of the game due to it's immense closeup power. Really comes in handy since when you enter a room the entire room full of enemies will start rushing you Left 4 Dead style. There are others such as a laser assisted sniper rifle type of gun, rocket launchers, flame throwers. That's what I've gotten so far anyway. I think there are more.
With regards to sound, the various gun sounds and bullets actually sound pretty good considering this is the Genesis sound hardware we're talking about here. And the music, while not particularly memorable doesn't get irritating and seems to fit everything. Although you're more than likely gonna wanna replace with Disturbed Korn. There's even elevator music that goes whenever you're in an elevator. The "bwoo" sound that emits when you kill most enemies is kinda weird, though. The enemies always make a sound to let you know that they're around whenever you're in their sights. And in the later levels you'll have to deal with androids and aliens to top it all off. And the sound the aliens make is actually a little creepy when you're really getting into the game. You have low health and all of a sudden you peek through a door and hear numerous little alien cries.
The graphics are decent enough, if pixelated as hell. Which makes making enemies out at a distance out a little difficult at times. But it has a very impressive effects that first person shooters didn't really have at the time. Such as when you kill an enemy, blood will splatter on the wall and slowly drip down. The enemy details when they're up close is pretty good, though the animation is typical of the type of game of the day. But they typically won't last long enough for you to notice. The frame rate, while not particularly high is tolerable, but the draw distance is too short in this writer's opinion. It does take some getting used to, and once you do it'll be pretty fun.
And this game, not only being one of the few first person shooters on a console at the time, also supported networked multiplayer. You could go in and half a deathmatch with another person ... provided you had the appropriate link cable, 2 copies of the game, 2 systems and 2 television sets. Not very practical, but definitely something I'd wanna try one of these days being that I've got 2 Genesis systems sitting around here somewhere.
The game actually sold very well for the day, selling over 215,000 copies. And sequels were planned for the Genesis and 32X. And an updated version of the game was apparently supposed to come out for the PSP. But I've never seen any evidence of it. But there is an unfinished sequel out there in ROM form (and probably cartridge form somewhere in the world). The game was announced as freeware some years back due to the developer acknowledging that they weren't making any money off of it anymore so long as no one modifies it.
6.5/10 - Overall, this game really showed that the Genesis could handle a first person shooter. The game, while not great isn't that bad once you get past the horribly pixelated graphics and somewhat tinny music.


All screenshots courtesy of Neoseeker

Yeah, a first person shooter on the Genesis is the last thing anyone would expect, or want to be perfectly honest. For the era, even the venerable Super Nintendo had problems with it (DooM is a perfect example, except it's got some really kick ass music). The 32X was much better suited for an FPS. But that's another thing all together. I'm talking about Zero Tolerance here. And nevermind that Duke Nukem 3D was ever released for the Genesis. Terrible ... just terrible.


My small but proud Genesis collection grew a little bit today.

Just got Sonic Spinball, Super Street Fighter 2 and Quackshot today at the pawn shop a little ways from me.

All of them have the cases, but unfortunately the only game that actually has a manual is Sonic Spinball. Good arcadey-type pinball game, but nothing compared to the excellence that is Dragon's Fury.

And I got a Game Genie for the Genesis for about 4 bucks, even has the code book that originally came with the unit itself and 4 issues of the code updates or whatever. Looks like the box and books came in contact with water at some point, but other than one page in the code updates book they're fully readable . And the genie  itself works great.

I've found that even with the power of the Game Genie I STILL can't pass the level in T2 : The Arcade Game where you have to defend John Connor's truck. The weird thing is, it's ONLY the Sega Genesis version where I can't pass that level. I do fine in the arcade, SNES and DOS versions of the game. Very frustrating. Not a very good arcade port since the Genesis unfortunately has issues with sprite scaling, but a good game regardless. And plays great with the standard controller.

One of these days I'll write a full out review of the game itself,  and I'm still working on my Outrun for Genesis article. That game has a lot of love from me, so I wanna make sure it's just right.


Just a quick one

Here's my collection as of this writing. The picture kinda sucks because all I've got is the camera in my phone.

I know it's not the biggest collection out there, and it's not even everything right now (still got a bunch of PC, Playstation 1 and 2, XBOX, 360, Gamecube etc etc to dig out. Even a couple of Virtual Boy games hehe) but it's still growing. The cases themselves are 2 deep, and package on top of them is a Tiger Woods '97 LCD game that I just stuck up there. In between the Sega CD Mortal Kombat and the Genesis cases is a little tiny binder with some Sega CD games ... Dragon's Lair being one of them.

And then there's the original Nintendo and Nintendo 64. There's some Gameboy and Gameboy Advance games up there too.


Galaxy Force 2 for the Sega Genesis

Back in the 16 bit era, they had half-assed releases of several astonishing arcade games to the home consoles. Some worked out, such as the original Outrun and Afterburner ... others didn't fair so well. Especially to the Genesis. As much as I love this system, they had some terrible arcade ports.


Okay, I think I may have a problem. :)

Just got back from a flea market about half an hour away from my house, and snagged the following:

An original box NES with 2 controllers, the NES Advantage joystick (which, while it works perfectly, has a weird see througgh yellow golf ball lookin' thing instead of the normal ball, but it doesn't affect anything), a zapper and had the games Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt


Revenge of Shinobi

How on Earth did this game fall under my radar? Ninjas that burst into flames when they die? On the second level (sadly enough tle level I'm stuck on at the moment) that fly around with bat wings?

The REALLY sad part is the fact that I've OWNED the thing for at least 5 years on that stupid 6 pack thing with that godawful Super Hang-On. Maybe that's why I never tried it. I hate that game.


Mortal Kombat II - SNES and Genesis vs the arcade. One man’s opinion.

I had this written out on Google Docs, just kind of originated out of playing the Genesis version at a friend's house and thought of how crummy it is compared to the arcade and SNES  versions, but still good on it's own merits. It was just kinda sitting there so I thought I'd put it up here to kinda inflate this blog a little bit. :)
Okay, even though I got started with the series with the original Mortal Kombat, let's not kid ourselves. The game honestly wasn't that good. Almost no combo system to speak of unless you count exploiting the game to get them. Slow paced fighting, blah blah blah. Not to say it wasn't a good game, just ... for me personally it hasn't aged well at all.