Tila Tequila is still around. And is still devoid of any redeeming qualities.
Here she is in an utterly RIDICULOUS outfit that show WAY more than pretty much anyone wants to see (which makes some of the pictures not safe for work) performing her new single “I Fucked the DJ” at The Greenhouse in New York.
Now, I’ve only heard a handful of songs by her … and I’ve got to give her credit for one thing and one thing alone. At least SHE manages to get some kind of meaning out of it, as utterly pointless as that meaning is.
When I hear it, all I hear is bad rap, simplistic repetitive beats and music that seem to be written and finished in a few minutes just to get her to shut up for 5 seconds.
This chick really needs a wake up call and possibly some psychiatric help. Hit the jump for the rest of the pictures, just bear in mind what she’s wearing and your environment, because she really needs some extra special help dressing herself.
via The Superficial
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