Hey guys, we’re on Facebook too.
You know what to do. Hopefully. :) You can get the up to the minute updates there, get ahold of us for feedback on either the site or the podcast, etc etc. I promise, we don't bite. Unless you happen to be asian, around 5 feet tall, around 100 to 110lbs and at least 24 years of age. ... Okay ... that's just me. but still. If not you can also find us on Twitter. And, as always, we also have a podcast over at a separate site that you can find right here.
Did you know there’s also a podcast?
I do most of the stuff regarding telling people about stories and whatnot for the site through twitter. And more recently a Facebook page (just search for Wasted Seconds on Facebook) so for those of you who are either new or don’t follow that stuff now there is a podcast for the site which covers … well … games. Just me a couple of friends with possibly the occasional brave guest host or something and we just sit and talk about games. We just got done releasing the PROPER episode 1 named “We finally did it” where we talk about Split/Second, Modnation Racers, Red Dead Redemption (of which there will be a separate Spoilercast coming up in a couple of days purely for that game), video game tits, a little history of gaming according to yours truly and a lot more crammed into almost 2 hours worth of show.
There are also episodes 0 and 0.5 … episode 0 is just an introduction episode where everyong kinda says “Hi!!!” for an hour and a half. And episode 0.5 is all about what Josh found interesting about E3 since I don’t follow it … with the exception of Killzone 3. :D
You can find it right here at http://podcast.wastedseconds.com. And we’re also on iTunes, and you can subscribe right here. We’ve technically got three episodes in the bag, though we’re only on episode 1. Go and check it out and rate, comment, all that good stuff.
But yeah, it’s just me, Josh (Rapture) and Justin (xxmilkman69xx) shooting the shit about video games and other stuff that happens to catch out interest. Pretty much like the site. Except I’m a bit more free to talk about the women than they are because they’re both spoken for and I’m not. Technically.
Anyway, listen away. You can email the show at wastedsecondspodcast@gmail.com or leave a voicemail number at (618) 984-5244. And, while this site doesn’t have any forums I’ve decided to kinda adpot the forums over at http://www.GameGavel.com, home of … well … Game Gavel which is an alternative to eBay for buying and selling video game stuff and the awesome Retrogaming Roundup podcast. The monthly 5 and a half hour opera of retro/classic gaming goodness that even modern gamers should listen to.