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Kung Fu 2 - Unofficial sequel to the classic NES game.


Ah the days of old playing the original Kung Fu on the NES. My 7 year old brain couldn't comprehend the sheer awesomeness of that game. And even today I can still play it and like it, but it hasn't aged well. It came out in 1984 by Irem which featured the typical side scrolling fighting of the day where you kicked and punched your way through the dojo levels to save Silvia from Mr. X fighting goons, knife throwers and at the end of each level a boss. Fast forward to 2008, and someone made a 6 level sequel to the game for PC and won the 2008 Retro Remakes Competition for Games Without Sequels category simply named Kung Fu 2. Hit the jump for screenshots, a little bit more from me and the download.


As of this writing I'm up to level 6, and the game is worthy of being called Kung Fu 2. At first I tried to play it with the keyboard, and after getting sick of my tiny little netbook keyboard (it plays fine with the keyboard, just that the keys on this thing are a bit too small), I plugged in my Street Fighter 4 Fight Pad for the 360 and was wailing away. This game is truely worthy of being called a sequel featuring awesome smooth sprite based graphics, tight controls, the addition of special attacks that are very well balanced. And loads of (optional) blood. Along with that great music and cut scenes in between the levels with a great sense of humor.


It's an awesome arcade fighter and brings back the simplistic gameplay successfully while managing to add new twists to the experience. A must download for anyone who loved the original.

You can either download it here (about 10 meg), or at the official Kung Fu 2 site.

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