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Gaming outside my realm.

If you've ever talked to me, you know I'm not a big fan of physics games ... which makes me reviewing job a little difficult at times because guess what a chunk of these indie games for the 360 are. :) But regardless of whether or not I like the idea behind a game, I still like to give them a fair shot.

But this isn't really about a review. I was on episode 17 of the Geek Gamer Radio podcast, and they have a little segment called "Games Outside Your Realm". The whole point behind it is to play a game throughout the week that you normally wouldn't play.

My "assignment" was Trials HD on the Xbox 360. Now, this is a bit weird for me because I have indeed played it, though not that long. The same thing with the PC version. Now, for the sake of an internet podcast I'm going to give the game a fair shake, almost like I was actually reviewing it.

I've HEARD a lot about the game from various other podcasts, who mostly agree that the game is fun as hell for a while, then it kinda burns out after a while. Now, I have a feeling that it won't get too burned out for me because I'm going to more than likely just be playing the trial due to the fact I'm completely assed broke at the moment.

But I'm sure a lot of you have played this game. I know that damn near everyone on my Xbox Live friends list has played it in some form or another. What should I expect from this? And what are the differences between the Xbox 360 version and the PC other than of course the HD graphics? I'm sure they play identically.

Yeah, I'm kinda cheating here asking people about it. But given the fact that I only get 700 to 1,000 hits a day on this little corner of the web with hardly ANY of you people commenting I don't think I'm going to get much here. ;)

But yeah, starting today I'm going to give the game a fair shake all week long. Whether or not I lose a controller in the process from what little I've played in the past of both the console version and the PC version has yet to be seen.

Hell, maybe I'll end up loving it. Who knows. God knows I play enough of these brutally punishing games.

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(Visited 779 times, 1 visits today)

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Comments (2) Trackbacks (0)
  1. So how did it go then? Break a control pad? Delete the game? or become hooked?

  2. @qupe75 hehe If I’m on the GGR show Sunday night I’ll say there, then I’ll put something up here.

    I will definitely say I still have my controller. :)

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