Not a good day for retro gamers on Xbox Live
The following games have been removed from the Xbox Live Arcade service ...
- Cyberball 2072
- Defender
- Gauntlet
- Joust
- Paperboy
- Robotron 2084
- Root Beer Tapper
- Smash TV
- Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
Now I can't say that I'm all that heartbroken about UMK3 just because that game is utter crap ... MK2 all the way ... but the others. It's just heartbreaking.
Now, if you've already downloaded the games, and you're worried that if you get a new hard drive you can't get them again, no big deal. Just hit your guide button, go to the settings tab, account management and go to your download history you CAN get them again. And (though I haven't tried it personally) if you downloaded the trial you MAY be able to buy them again. Which means I STILL may be able to get Joust. :)
But still. Sad day for retro gamers.
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February 19th, 2010 - 11:43
Are they coming back when Microsoft introduces their online arcade service? Possibly for 50 cents a play?
That would be my guess, since their arcade will be full of retro games and these seem to fit that bill (MK3 asside).
February 22nd, 2010 - 22:04
Crap, I have a code for Robotron somewhere that I never redeemed hopefully it’ll still work. If not, then there are always emu…