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Pac-Man : Championship Edition for the iPhone/iPod Touch is on sale

Ah how I love this game on the 360. Despite the fact that I’m probably the WORST Pac-Man player on the face of the Earth. I don’t care. I still have fun with it, and now I can play it anywhere because it’s in my jacket pocket.

It came out recently on the iTunes Marketplace for $2.99 and initially comes with 5 championship maps and 20 mission maps. Which will probably be enough for me for quite a while. But there is DLC for $3.99 that adds 10 championship maps, 15 challenge maps and 100 mission maps that I do plan on eventually getting.

In any case, the game itself is on sale right now for $0.99 and if you have an iPhone or (like me) an iPod Touch you owe it to yourself to get this. From what little I’ve played so far it plays beautifully and matches the 360 version in every detail. Well worth the money, and still very much worth the $2.99 starting price. More after the jump.

Here’s a little gameplay video showing both versions of the game from the guys over at the awesome TouchArcade site. I would’ve made my own video, but I lack the hardware and the skill needed. ;)



And here is an open letter of sorts to Namco … I would personally love to see this game as one of those Plug & Play TV games. Yes, I am fully aware the hardware on those things are limited to 16 bit style games. But as excellent as the graphics and sound are for Pac-Man C.E. it’s the gameplay itself that makes the game so much damn fun. And that’s something those Plug & Play units can definitely handle. I can personally deal with dumbed down graphics, sound and music just to have a dedicated controller to play the game with. Mostly because I don’t like my daughter messing with either my 360 OR my iPod because everything she touches seems to die somehow. :) But those TV Games never seem to quit for her and I’ve got probably 15 or so of those things that she loves to play. And Pac-Man C.E. would be a hell of a fit for those. Just a thought.

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