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Tom and Jerry CAT-astrophe for DOS


Another Hi-Tech Expressions game from 1990. I remember playing this when I was 9 and 10, and it was a lot of fun then. Nowadays, not so much. But it is kinda cool to see it again, I haven't played it in God knows how long. You basically just run around as Jerry and fight with Tom. Throwing eggs at him, launching tomatoes with a mouse trap. Flying around in a little plane dropping light bulbs on the floor and sword fighting with knitting needles. That's about it.


The graphics aren't that bad, the animation is about on par with most Hi-Tech Expressions games I remember, virtually none. The sound is out of the PC speaker, but isn't too overly irritating. Controls just fine, except that the two characters can only move in 4 directions. There isn't really any goal to the game, you just fight with Tom for however long you set it for. 5 minutes is enough though.

5 outta 10. kthx

Download 480k

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