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Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers : The Adventure in Nimnul’s Castle for DOS


Hi-Tek Expressions released this game in 1990. And there are two memories I have of when I was a kid, cheesy cartoon like the Rescue Rangers and Hi-Tek Expressions because I played and liked quite a few of the games they released. I saw this game, and it was one of those things where I remembered playing it, I downloaded it and it doesn't ring a bell at all. lol


There isn't a whole lot to the game, really. There are 3 ares that are 3 levels apiece. The game is clearly designed for younger audiences in mind because there isn't a whole lot to do. I guess I remember the excellent NES version of Rescue Rangers. :) The graphics and animation aren't half bad for a DOS game from 1990. The sound is typical PC speaker stuff with, thankfully, no music.


The story behind the game (I'm honestly kind of surprised it even has one) Monterey Jack has been snagged by a mousetrap in Nimnul's castle. And you play as Chip and Dale in an effort to go through, get screws for Gadget's little plane made of pencils and other various objects to save him. And there are neat little cut scenes in between with Montey holding a piece of cheese, tugging at his tail that's caught in the trap telling Zipper to go get Chip and Dale. And Zipper bringing Gadget a screw, little things like that.


The gameplay is exactly this. You move left and right avoiding the things out to get you. When you reach the second area, you seperate. Dale runs around at the bottom, and you play as Chip moving left and right avoiding the few traps there are to collect screws. Dale is down below running from some big robotic dog across the screen. When you have a screw, you hold down to look down, and when he's underneath you you hit the 5 key over on the number pad to drop it to him. Rinse, repeat.

5.0 / 10- It's kind of a neat little game that can be beaten in a few minutes once you get the hang of it. But the NES version blows it away.

Download 154k I used DOSBox and it ran just fine.

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