Outrun for DOS
The DOS version of Outrun, had I found it when I was a kid I would've definitely played it to death .. just without the music.
For the hardware of the time, the DOS version of Outrun was actually a pretty good arcade port. There are quite a bit of things lacking, such as graphical detail, size ... in the arcade there is just more of everything. But for the most part, the PC did a good job. It controls the way it should, is easy for just about anyone to pick up and play, and is pretty fun.

Here's a screenshot from the opening of the arcade version.

And here's the DOS version.
As you can see from these two comparison screens, for computer hardware of 1988, this wasn't that bad. And graphically, it beats out just about every other version of the game that was out at the time. Anyone ever seen the Sega Master System version of the game? Now you know what I mean. Though there are quite a few less things flying by on the side of the road. When you drive under things it doesn't quite have the same feeling as the arcade (the arcade version does a really good job of giving you the sense that you're REALLY going under this stuff). And, like I said before, there are quite a few less colors seeing as how it's going off 16 color EGA graphics.
But the sound is coming out of that HORRID PC speaker. So all that kickass music is reduced to beeps and boops. You can play without the music, but then you're left with the jarring sound effects of the car, and I'm hard pressed to tell which one is worse.
7/10 - But it plays well, is a lot of fun and barring the music and the hardware of the time is a pretty faithful port of the arcade game and is definitely worth at least trying out.
Download - 480k
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November 19th, 2009 - 05:23
thanks man