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Crysis 2 PS3 Demo Impressions

Most everyone who frequents gaming news websites have surely heard the fuss and rampant speculation about the Crysis 2 demo over PlayStation Network that was taken offline seemingly no sooner than it arrived. The backlash over the removal of the demo, and even the actual demo itself is reaching a boiling point. Some gamers enjoyed the demo while it lasted. Other were furious at Crytek for not delivering on promises of producing a console graphical benchmark. The rest are wondering what the fuss is about, because, well, they couldn't connect to a game. Forums around the internet became bombarded with praise and hate (mostly hate), which soon led to Crytek's decision to pull down the servers altogether. In Crytek's official statement, they simply state that they want to make sure everything is in tip-top shape come launch. Other conspiracy theorist suggest that they removed it as a fail safe, suggesting that the demo was so bad that it would hurt sales. I guess I am a conspiracy theorist, because I happen to believe the latter. Nonetheless, I was fortunate enough to not encounter many of the connection errors, and was able to rack up around 500 kills and max out my level before the short lived demo came to an end. Here is what I have to say about it


Game Review–Modern Combat : Domination for the Playstation 3


Ah Gameloft … how I know thee from the days I had my iPod Touch. When I saw that this was coming to the Playstation 3 at a mere 8 dollars, I knew I was in. Even though I was in the mindset that I didn’t particularly like modern first person shooters (I found out later it was just Call of Duty I didn’t like) … I was willing to give this game a shot. And while it does have it’s severe flaws, it’s still a surprisingly good game.


After Burner Climax hitting XBLA and PSN in April

AFTER BURNER CLIMAX Now, I haven’t played the arcade version of this. Yes, it was a full sit down arcade cabinet in 2006. But from what I’ve read about this, it’s basically the same old After Burner just with a new coat of paint. Fly through the air, dodge things and blow things up.

That being said, the 1987 arcade version of the game and the ports of it (yeah, even that Sega Genesis port of the game that wasn’t all that great) are some of my favorite games.

I’ll definitely be checking it out when it hits, and if it’s priced right I may just get it. Here’s hoping they release the original eventually though. Hell, I’d even buy the old arcade version on the Wii if they released it. Sure, it won’t have quite the same appeal as a full cabinet. There’s just something lost when you sit there with a controller rather than popping in your money and sitting down at this HUGE arcade cab. But I’ll take what I can get. The screenshots are from the arcade version, and are pretty damn awesome looking.

climax-1 climax-2a climax-5a climax-6a

via Destructoid


Game Review - Batman : Arkham Asylum

PC, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. Rated T. PC: $49.99 Xbox 360/PS3 : $59.99

PC, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. Rated T. PC: $49.99 Xbox 360/PS3 : $59.99

I have been waiting for a good Batman game for what seems like forever. Back in the day, the game for Batman Forever almost seemed like it would fit that bill ... but the Mortal Kombat engine doesn't lend itself to making a good side scrolling beat 'em up. The original Batman game for the NES and Batman Returns for the NES were pretty good, but they were also pretty typical. Most of the rest have either been rehashes of the same thing or complete garbage. And no, I never did play Batman Begins. Here we are in 2009 and we finally have a great Batman game.


Games that are new to me - X-Men Origins : Wolverine game review

Systems : Xbox 360 (reviewed), PC and Playstation 3 (rated M) and a different version of the game for the Wii/PS2/NDS (rated T)

This game, by all rights, should suck. It should be TERRIBLE. It’s a licensed game, and there are very few licensed games that are worth playing. The only one that I can think of off the top of my head is Kung Fu Panda (and that game didn’t even have the original voice actors, it has sound alikes. You at least get Hugh Jackman in Wolverine, though I don’t know about the rest of the cast). Why doesn’t this game suck? Because Raven was working on making a Wolverine game before they ever got the license, and this is clearly a show of love for the character from them. That’s why. This is the first Wolverine game that REALLY gives you that “Yeah. I’m a badass.” feeling.


Hmm Does this mean my Xbox 360 can help save the Earth too???

Basically, when you spend your 35 bucks on this thing and use it ... when you're TV is off the console gets no power. Or whatever else you happen to have plugged into it because they use a lot of power or something. Hit the jump for a little more.