Wasted Seconds Wasting your precious time since 2009.


Retro gaming related nipple pasties the perfect gift!

pacman-pasties-2 I can think of at LEAST two people I personally know I could definitely get these things for. Anyway, I would imagine you can get them from here, but the site isn’t in English and I’m too lazy to translate it. And there’s other ones on there like duckies and guns and diamonds and all that mess, but the ones shown are the only ones I actually care about.

And don’t give me any crap about that picture not being safe for work. She’s perfectly covered up. And if you’re a regular to this site, why the hell would you be browsing this at work ANYWAY.

*ahem* Anyway, yeah. This rocks. That’s all I’ve got to say. And if you leave a comment saying “That plug and play game can’t possibly work with that TV!” you’re not paying attention to the important things.

pacman-pasties-3 mushroom-pasties


Super Mario Bros on an 8×8 RGB LED

It's still in the extremely early stages, but I'm definitely interested in seeing how this goes. And hopefully once it gets a little further along the guy releases the code for the game itself, because this looks like it'd be pretty fuckin' cool. You can check out the rest of the article right here.

But yeah, I would definitely be into trying to build something like this, though I would have to get someone else to do the soldering because I can't keep my hands steady enough to reliably do it myself. Either way, pretty cool stuff and I can't wait to see how it turns out.

It looks like one of those old school LED handheld games, only on a hell of a lot of steroids. That reminds me, I've gotta get some of those. I remember loving them when I was a kid. Either way, check out the video.


The way people pronounce things annoy the hell out of me sometimes.

I'm only going to go into a few of them here, so no biggie. Ever heard someone refer to an .ISO file as "eye-sow"? Or when someone tells you a URL they say "wub-wub-wub, dot whatever dot com"? How about when people talk about the GUI for, say, Linux, Windows or Mac OS, or ANYTHING that has a "Graphical User Interface". Some people say "Goo-ee".