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Ashley Olsen’s surprised she’s not a useless slob like Britney Spears.

gallery_enlarged-0805_ashley_olsen_01 I'm starting to get used to how WordPress' posting goes here. But regardless of that, Ashley Olsen is in the September issue of Marie Claire (something I'd barely even heard of till recently, and have never read). And this to say :

"I look back at the things that we did and the clothes that we wore, and I think, Wow, we really were troupers," says Ashley--although, gazing at some hideous flowered overalls she was put in at age 6 or 7, she has to admit, "I remember really loving those."
What comes across in the photos is the degree to which the girls' lives were engineered. "It was almost like I was in the army," Ashley says. "School, work, homework, fly to New York, get in at 2 in the morning, do a morning show at 5 a.m., then another one at 7, then a radio interview at 10, you know?" Cutesy, coordinated outfits were just part of the drill. The pressure was intense and the scrutiny even more so -- "That's why I look at Britney, and I'm surprised I didn't end up like her."

God I'm glad she didn't fuck a Federline and do shitty music. *Ahem* Anyway, yeah. The moral of the story here is : Britney Spears is worthless and always has been. That, and she's a fucking train wreck now. More pics of Ashley after the jump.

via TheSuperficial

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(Visited 779 times, 1 visits today)

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Comments (1) Trackbacks (0)
  1. I love BOTH Ashley and Britney.. BUT I’d take Ash over Britt Britt anytime, she’s SO much prettier anyway, I never understand how Britney Got to be on the Maxim Top 100 hottest women in the world when Ash never even got in IT PISSES ME OFF! why can’t they see what I see? Ashley is EVEN better looking then VANESSA HUDGENS but I suppose since Ash doesn’t take nude pictures of her self she’s just not hot enough for them! STUPID PEOPLE

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