Wasted Seconds Wasting your precious time since 2009.


Sometimes I think my logic is a bit flawed.

Okay, I've said it before. But I'll say it again just in case you're new and you missed it. My default machine is an Acer Aspire One netbook with an 8.9" screen. Now, the size of the screen isn't really an issue to me, thanks to the 1024x600 resolution I can see the screen just fine.

But rather than get a regular old boring-ass USB keyboard, I got a bluetooth keyboard (Rocketfish or somethin'). And I already have a wireless mouse. So now I can use my computer anywhere in the room. But get too far away and you won't be able to see the screen.

But the keyboard was 15 bucks, so fuck it. I like it. Will make playing some of these old DOS games so much easier without having to worry about that tiny arrow key layout on the netbook's keyboard. And I also got Star Trek : The Next Generation Season 2 on DVD and Tetris for the NES complete in box with the manual and all that at Goodwill. :P

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(Visited 779 times, 1 visits today)

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