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Mary-Kate Olsen being insultingly cute in Marie Claire

mary-kate-0910-3-de Say what you want about my thing for the Olsen girls, I don’t have to care. They’re gorgeous and I think it’d take a hell of a lot to make me think differently. One thing I’ve always wondered … what do they think of Bob Saget’s stand up comedy. If you listen to Geek Gamer Weekly when I’m on there, there’s rarely an episode that goes by where I don’t mention him. Because he’s one of the best comedians I’ve ever heard. And on a somewhat related note, the last episode we did an interview with the ex-host of 1 Vs 100 on the Xbox 360 Chris Cashman. Really cool guy and definitely worth a listen.

Anyway, back to these pictures. I dig ‘em. That’s all that needs to be said. And there’s also an interview that goes along with it right here. Go there for the interview, or just hit the jump for some stunning pictures. They both really need to do stuff like this more often for my benefit.

mary-kate-0910-6-demary-kate-0910-1-de  mary-kate-0910-3-de mary-kate-0910-4-de mary-kate-0910-5-de mary-kate-0910-8-de mary-kate-0910-7-de  mary-kate-0910-2-de

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(Visited 779 times, 1 visits today)

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Comments (1) Trackbacks (0)
  1. Watched for years to see them(legal) become models and such. But now, they are right “creepy” looking and kinda like Howard Hughes mentality. RRRrrrrr

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