Fan made Final Fight movie trailer
If only this was a real movie. Don’t fuck with the mustache, yo.
I hope they make more of this with fight scenes.
And if you don’t know what Final Fight is, then what are you doing here. Go get it. It’s out for damn near everything. You can probably find the butchered SNES version on the Wii’s virtual console if that’s your style. And I’ve heard it may be coming to XBLA soon too, or at least a version OF it.
Sure, Streets of Rage was better, but in the end Final Fight has a special place in my black little heart because it was faster paced.
Watch the video, and then go play it. I’m sure if you’re a cheap bastard you can snag an emulator somewhere.
via Destructoid
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March 27th, 2011 - 03:26
Final Fight was the better game between it and Streets of Rage. SoR didn’t have the feel that FF had, when you punched or hit someone in FF, you could almost feel it through the controller.