Wasted Seconds Wasting your precious time since 2009.


Finally got a problem solved.

My Xbox 360 has been flaking out. Hard core. And it's strange in the way it's decided to do it. Console functions that aren't game related work just fine. Twitter, Facebook, Live.fm, videos, Netflix, they all work just fine.

But when it comes to games ... it's another story. Some games just froze at random such as Zombie Apocalypse. Others I could predict when it would happen strangely enough like in Call of Duty 4 when I missed with the sniper rifle I could count on the system freezing up. Along with at random.

And sometimes it would outright REFUSE to run the Xbox Live Indie Games ... which is kind of a big deal since those are the majority of what I review. But the final draw came yesterday when Left 4 Dead 2 froze up RIGHT AS I WAS GETTING INTO THE HELICOPTER trying to save that goddamn gnome.

Enough was enough and I went out and got me an Xbox 360 Elite. I was going to get the Modern Warfare 2 edition of it with the 250GB hard drive ... but Infuckery Ward isn't getting my money for that game. So I settled upon the Elite and I'll eventually get the bigger hard drive off of eBay or something.

So now that I have a system that actually reliably WORKS I can get to my backlog of games I need to review. It'll be slow going because I'm the only person who writes for this site, but dammit I'm going to get them.

If people even care about what I think because I have a reputation for being pretty brutal in my reviews. :)

There's my little update.

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