Another Batman: Arkham Asylum Review
Everyone on my friends list has been raving about Batman: Arkham Asylem. So, I finally got around to playing it. Dhalamar previously gave the game an 8/10, but I don't think that is high enough so I wrote my own review. I don't generally give games a score but if 8 is not high enough I guess I have to this time. I think Batman: Arkham Asylem is a solid 9 with Game of the Year potential.
You can check out my review here.
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November 9th, 2009 - 16:50
Oh, tryin’ to cock block me.
I see how it is. :P
November 9th, 2009 - 16:56
lol - just saying you’re a little rough on it when it when the game is great
November 9th, 2009 - 17:08
@Jigsaw hc Hey, you’ve gotta admit. Those boss battle WERE pretty disappointing.
Looked GREAT (except for the final one) but ultimately were kinda “meh”