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Gears of War 2 Trying to Stay Relevant

Epic announced this week that with the anniversary of Gears of War 2 they were going to have triple XP for all play lists for a week.  Additionally, they added a tactical mode where bullets do damage but gives you less ammo in your gun. There have been double XP weekends in the past, but this full week of triple XP is completely unprecedented.

With the release of what will be the best selling and most played game of the year, Modern Warfare 2, the timing seems a little suspect. There was a time when Gears of War 2 was the most played game on Xbox Live, but it has slipped down to the sixth most played game on Major Nelson's weekly report.  It looks like triple XP is Epics desperate attempt to keep from falling off the list completely when Modern Warfare 2 releases on Tuesday. We'll have to wait and see if it works, but with five title updates it might be to late. Gears of War 2's fan base is getting a little tired and frustrated with their constant changes.


Friday, November 6, 9 AM EST, through Monday, November 16, 9 AM EST, Gears of War 2 gamers get a nine-day multiplayer extravaganza. In addition to triple experience throughout the event, players will be able to play in an all-new tactical mode across all multiplayer game types (including Horde). Players can expect two big changes in tactical mode, increased weapon damage and reduced ammo counts, along with a few subtle tweaks such as increasing down-but-not-out health so revives are still possible. Also during the event, Public Horde’s difficulty will be bumped to hardcore, and playlists can include individual game types—meaning you can play exactly what you want, when you want. Prepare for the challenge, and more than ever, remember to take cover!

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