We’re getting a real bullethell SHMUP in the Indie Games section soon … Duality : ZF
I don't usually do news posts like this in regards to the Indie Games ... I try to stick to the reviews (something I'm actually GOOD at hehe) but this game is pretty damned close to my interests. They placed 7th in the DreamBuild thing Microsoft does, 1 away from going to PAX ... and ... yeah. Just check out this video. This game looks like it's going to be WICKED hard and loads of fun.
Hit up the site here and get your learnin' on. If you haven't played a balls hard bullethell shooter ... you haven't lived.
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September 6th, 2009 - 00:34
Duality ZF does look great. I hope we see it and the other DBP2009 finalists on XBLIG soon