Bruce Lee - Windows remake of the C64 game
A great pixel for pixel remake of the Commodore 64 version. Which is great for me, because when I found this remake back when it first came out, I'd never played the C64 version (my house was unfortunately a PC only house at the time these were popular). Tight, responsive controls, great graphics when you consider the time frame of the game, great platforming, great fighting.Devious little traps that you don't see until the last second after you've died. Those two enemies that hound you screen after screen put up a hell of a good fight considering the game and the era as well.
This game is everything Invincible Tiger : The Legend of Han Tao should have been. If you're one of the lucky ones who hasn't bought Invincible Tiger, just download this, play it, love it. Save your 15 bucks. You can check out the official site here for more screenshots and other stuff as well. Damn it's games like this that made me wish I had a Commodore 64. :)
Download - 659k
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