Defense Grid : The Awakening Soundtrack
Hidden Path Entertainment has decided to release the soundtrack to their downloadable game Defense Grid : The Awakening due to the request of the fans. From the site : "All of the original in-game tracks were composed to be interactive and support what is happening as you play the game. Several tracks have been rearranged in order to fit into this soundtrack style format."
Check out the original site here, or hit the jump to listen to or download the tracks.
- Startup - 926k
- Mission Start - 173k
- Combat E - 1.3MB
- Wave Enters - 290k
- Combat D - 1.3MB
- Wave Destroyed - 226k
- Combat Lull A - 1.4MB
- Boss Enters - 294k
- Combat A - 1.3MB
- Mission Failure - 242k
- Combat Lull B - 1.4MB
- Out of Cores - 719k
- Combat B - 1.3MB
- Unlock - 222k
- Combat C - 1.3MB
- Mission Win - 278k
- General Background - 1.4MB
- And the entire set in one RAR here - 14MB
These tracks are free for personal use only. Click here for full copyright information.
via XBLARatings
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