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Christina Applegate, Kirsten Dunst and a video

Christina-Applegate-30I decided to actually do something with the gallery, something I haven’t done damn near since I started the site. I decided to add some new stuff to it. I’ve been watching a hell of a lot of Married with Children lately, so Christina Applegate was a given. I have to give that woman props because it takes a hell of a lot of intelligence to play a character THAT stupid.

So, other than the obvious, there was my reason for adding her to this site.

Kirsten-Dunst-73The other was a little bit of a harder choice. Then I remembered this movie that I watched with my girlfriend of the time (thankfully, no more) Crazy/Beautiful and later on the Spider-Man movies where the red hair only accented everything (hey, I’m a sucker for a redhead) and thought “There’s the other woman I’ll add to this.” so, I added Kirsten Dunst. Especially since she recently had a very small scene in a movie recently, which I THINK got cut from it for whatever reason, where she actually shows what she’s got (to my knowledge anyway) for once. So yeah, hit the jump. The video isn’t at all safe for work, but the galleries are okay.

Download the full out 720p video right here in MP4 format (it's about 25 seconds long) and hit up the galleries after the jump. If you want to see the rest of the galleries, just click here. I'll add the new additions one of these days.