Wasted Seconds Wasting your precious time since 2009.


And just got done adding most of the Amanda Bynes pictures I was planning on.

Amanda_0006 There's a hell of a lot of them, and I've gotta upload the rest sometime when I actually feel like doing something. Probably tomorrow because I won't have anything else to do, but I have a job to go to now. :) For now, just deal with the 1,000 that's there now. I think there's a little over 2,500 total. So I've got a ways to go. On a side note, I called into ControlF12's podcast earlier and made an ass of myself. Unless they edit it out you'll be able to hear in in episode 79. God it's been such a long time since i've done anything even remotely related to radio. Gotta brush up sometime or another. Maybe I'll start my own podcast, just gotta get other people to join in on it because nobody wants to hear me talk for however long it'd be.

Amanda Bynes

I've no idea what movies she's been in. I think she was on Disney at one point or something though.

2515 Photos

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(Visited 779 times, 1 visits today)

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  5. Just added a bunch of pictures
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