A little Zoe Saldana to kick off Thanksgiving
I honestly haven’t seen Star Trek yet (dawha?) and I have the DVD upstairs. I’m just holding off till I can watch it in peace with the surround sound going. Anyway, this chick plays Uhura in the movie. And is one more good reason to watch it. These shots are from Details magazine. They still make magazines? Wow. Who knew.
via The Superficial
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November 26th, 2009 - 07:16
OMG Star Trek was the longest movie ever. I thought it was never going to end. If Zoe wore that through the entire movie I’m sure it would have seemed shorter eh?
November 26th, 2009 - 07:18
@Miranda If she wore any of that and I was aware of it, I would’ve seen the movie a LONG time ago. heh