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Xbox Live Indie Game First Impression - Nuke Your Neighbor

xboxboxartI'll admit that I'm not that into card games. I'm one of those people who's been on a computer for so long that I know HOW to play Solitaire ... but I don't know how to set up the actual cards to play. Uno I can play, and I do on occasion because it's the ONE game on Xbox Live that I play that I'm fairly certain there's going to be someone in the world playing at any time.

The price on this went down from 200 points to 80 today, so naturally being the cheap bastard that I am I downloaded the trial. And the fact that it has Xbox Live support was further enticement for me to buy it, because any time there's Xbox Live support, that's almost a guaranteed buy from me. Of course I played through the trial first ... through the tutorial mode.

And I've gotta say that, even though the graphics aren't all that great it's a hell of a fun game. I don't know about Rummey (one of the games it compares itself to) but I do know how to play Uno. And I'm fairly decent at it, and this game reminds me a lot of that game. Changing the suits (like changing the color in Uno) making other people draw cards, a wildcard that makes your neighbor draw 5 cards etc etc. Points are apparently bad in this game, and once you get down to your last card you have to damned well fight for it, because when you get down to your last card, the only way you're keeping it is if you enter in a button combination that's anywhere from 2 to 6 buttons depending on the difficulty before anyone else does. If someone enters it in before you do, it's like when someone doesn't call Uno and you have to draw 2 cards.

The tutorial mode is GREAT, because it runs through a normal game and tells you what each card does and what it could possibly mean and do and does an awesome job of introducing people to the game. Which is great for someone like me who sees all the different numbers and suits and Aces and Jacks and all that and just becomes lost. Couple that with tons of game modes that make this a very complete game in every respect.

I haven't quite fully grasped how to play it yet, so this isn't a full review. It has quite a few other differences from Uno ... the 8 player support being the biggest. But yeah, my 80 points were very well spent because I'm having a blast.

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(Visited 779 times, 1 visits today)

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